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Daily Messages of Universe

- Sharing from Ami Godsgate - 

 You can receive daily messages of mini teachings of the Universe

from the 365 days of I AM path taught by Matías de Stefano.

What's like?

  • Messages are sent in a short summary style from a portion of each topic in the order of 365 alignments.
  • Help to keep reminding you of the teachings of "I and AM."
  • Help to maintain your alignment within and with Earth and Universe, the hard work we have done for the past year!  
  • Support and encourage new members of the planetary alignment network!
  • One message a day for 365 days! You will be reminded how to stay connected.

Stay Connected!

Let's stay connected to the love from the Universe and weave the Conscious Network.
Now, we start sowing the new seeds to bring Heaven on Earth!
